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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monster poem

It's eyes see everything,
They never skip a beat,
Its mouth is like a steal trap.
Smashing shut.
The tip of its mouth is like a steel trap.
as an arrow.
The claws of the beast cut and kill everything in its pass.
like a lawnmower.
Its wings make it so it can and will find you.
Its feathers are like dangerous waves of powerful stingers.
It tilts its head over like a well oiled machine.
Mouth gets more wet as if it hadn't eaten in weeks.
Its wide jaws smash down on top of its food.
You can hear it crunching as if they were broken bones.
It goes back down for more like a vulture looking for food.
It doesn't stop to take a brake.
The thing grows bigger every day.
There are more of them coming out of there hiding.
They grow like a wild fire in harsh winds.
The deathly cry it makes is like a screaming car horn echoing every morning.
The pain of the scream causes people to go insane.
Like a crazy train.
Many try to kill it but it runs away like a speeding train.
It fly's like a speeding jet.
Some stay and fight like a roman soldier for its country

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Found Poem

"Im Saved"
"Those are numbers"
"We all have to work"
"You'll muttered your brothers plantation"
"Where's my bible"
Toilet paper
"He's to afraid of you"
"Book Thief"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Response to 'I know why the caged bird sings' poem

" I know why the caged bird sings" by Maya Angelou is about white people who are free aren't afraid of a lot of things and they know there surroundings. Unlike blacks who are slaves do not know much because they are us to being " Caged up". It is speaking of a bird as a comparison between blacks and free whites.

One thing she uses is rhyming ,for example "Cage, Rage", "Trill, shrill" . Another element she uses is metaphor "the caged bird sings with a fearful trill". It is pretty much all a metaphor about free slaves and whits vs. slaves .

I like this poem because it has a lot of rhyme and also it goes and fits together very well . Also it isn't very obvious what it is and what the poem means so you have to look deeper into the words to find it. Also that I think its cool how it represents the different types or "Classes" of slaver.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Abstract Noun Poem

Pain is like a lion eating its prey
Humor is like the laugh of a hyena
Anger is like a Venus fly trap that can't catch a fly
Friendship is like the trees around you
Sadness is like a dark rainy day
Respect is like a dog that doesn't run away

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Langston Hughes Responce

"I Too" by Langston Hughese is a poem about a man who was a slave and he will be free in the future . It shows that even though they are not equal back then, they will soon be equal. It is African Americans speaking for the poem.

Some elements that the poem has is a "Repatition" and "lyric". "Tomorrow ,I'll sit at the table " it shows that even though they are free they are still discriminated and they want to be equal. "I am the darker brother ,they send me in the kitchen when company comes". Shows that whites are ashamed to have other people see slaves in there houses.

I liked how the poem shows that blacks were once slave ,but now free ,but sadly still dicriminated.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Trusting you as we do ,Not as I want ,But some make our trust go, And this is my poem to show

Vs. Poems

Insane ,crazy ,weird Lady Gaga Vs. Huntin, Alaskin, fishin , John Mcean lovin Sarah Palin

Big ,fat ,gross Jaba the Hut Vs. Healthy ,weight loss ,vegetable eating Diet plan

Heavy ,old ,slow P.C. Vs. New ,super light ,super fast Mac

Big ,rich ,host Oprah Vs. Advice giving ,old Dr. Phil

Insane ,muscular Hulk Hogen Vs. Slave freeing ,top hat wearing ,president Abe Lincoln